t6 Features > Exploratory Data Analysis

Exploratory Data Analysis

t6 comes with and handfull set of EDA apis. Today the implementation is still in progress but give the opportunity to begin Exploring timeseries datapoints from a specific flow.

Tagged on #feature, #EDA, #Exploration,

t6 comes with and handfull set of EDA apis. Today the implementation is still in progress but give the opportunity to begin Exploring timeseries datapoints from a specific flow.

Non graphical output


Head and Tail

Those 2 common method of Data Exploration are self-explanatory. They just returns the top n bottom or top Datapoints from database.

List Distinct Facts ![:collision:]

not detailed

List Distinct Categories !

not detailed

Graphical output

Frequency shape distribution

This graph is not yet accurate, but it aims to illustrate the intent. :-) any support would be appreciated. :-) exploration-frequency



Plot line




TimeSeries decomposition

to come later

Supporting t6, or even better helping implement features is very welcome. Please refers to CONTRIBUTING.md in case you would like to help :-)

Tagged on #feature, #EDA, #Exploration,